
Monday, 16 March 2015

News round up March 2015

RMT Clerical Grades Conference Saturday 14/03/15

We were very pleased to accept the invitation from the RMT to open their Conference in Blackheath on Saturday with a brief report of our activity over the past few years, bringing things right up to date with an update of our visit to the PCS picket at the National Gallery that morning.

Make Lewisham the Living Wage/Fair Contract borough

We are currently working on a campaign on this issue and are discussing ways to engage local employers with various people across Lewisham. We will be asking candidates standing in the General Election for their views. 

Launch meeting: Campaign to save Lewisham amd Southwark College

UCU have arranged a meeting on Friday 20/03/15 at 6pm 
in the Amersham Arms to discuss their campaign against the 25% staffing cuts recently announced by the college.  Together with a 24% cut in adult education next year, the cuts could spell the end of the college itself! Please attend and join the campaign. 

Marches Saturday 21/03/15

There are two demonstrations to support on Saturday. SAIL are marching from Lewisham Clock Tower to Hilly Fields to protest against Prendergast plans for Acadamy status.  In Central London activists will mark UN Anti Racism Day. Both demonstrations start at 12 noon.

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