
Tuesday, 17 December 2013

More of the same for 2014?

As 2013 draws to a close it is hard to think of any of our affiliated unions that have not been in dispute or on strike during the year. Most recently UCU and UNISON members at local colleges have taken strike action and FBU colleagues will continue action on both Christmas and New Years eves. Lewisham Trades council members have offered support to every dispute this year and visited every picket line  to show our solidarity during the year.


A common cause of every dispute is the Austerity measures of the current Coalition government. They have cut jobs, slashed services and attacked conditions in the name of reducing the deficit. Attacks on the benefit system and scapegoating of migrant workers show the government's true colours.

Tax and spend

What the government fail to do is make the bankers, big business or their rich mates pay their share. Every year these lot profit from the£120 billion, avoided, evaded or not collected taxes.Put it simply if the rich paid what they owed, there would be no deficit.. If Corporation and other taxes were collected rather than avoided, PFI contracts on Lewisham and all other Hospitals could be cancelled.

 Our work continues

Trades Council members are currently working with Lewisham Council on concrete  steps to promote the London Living Wage and decent contacts for everyone working in Lewisham. We are also committed to promote employment opportunities as a way of reducing benefit dependency.  We are in no doubt however that we will also be involved in disputes against the attacks we face.

Seasons Greetings for 2013 ....More of the same for 2014

Trades Council dates for 2014

Meeting dates have been set for 2014. All meetings will be held at Deptford Campus of Lewisham College. Nearest station Deptford Bridge DLR. All meetings will start at 7pm and finish at 8:45pm.. Dates as follows:

Tuesday 14th January 2014
Tuesday 11th March 2014
Tuesday 13th May 2014
Tuesday 24th June 2014
Tuesday 23rd September 2014
Tuesday 11th November 2014

Meetings are open to all trade union representatives who live, work or meet in Lewisham borough