
Tuesday, 17 December 2013

More of the same for 2014?

As 2013 draws to a close it is hard to think of any of our affiliated unions that have not been in dispute or on strike during the year. Most recently UCU and UNISON members at local colleges have taken strike action and FBU colleagues will continue action on both Christmas and New Years eves. Lewisham Trades council members have offered support to every dispute this year and visited every picket line  to show our solidarity during the year.


A common cause of every dispute is the Austerity measures of the current Coalition government. They have cut jobs, slashed services and attacked conditions in the name of reducing the deficit. Attacks on the benefit system and scapegoating of migrant workers show the government's true colours.

Tax and spend

What the government fail to do is make the bankers, big business or their rich mates pay their share. Every year these lot profit from the£120 billion, avoided, evaded or not collected taxes.Put it simply if the rich paid what they owed, there would be no deficit.. If Corporation and other taxes were collected rather than avoided, PFI contracts on Lewisham and all other Hospitals could be cancelled.

 Our work continues

Trades Council members are currently working with Lewisham Council on concrete  steps to promote the London Living Wage and decent contacts for everyone working in Lewisham. We are also committed to promote employment opportunities as a way of reducing benefit dependency.  We are in no doubt however that we will also be involved in disputes against the attacks we face.

Seasons Greetings for 2013 ....More of the same for 2014

Trades Council dates for 2014

Meeting dates have been set for 2014. All meetings will be held at Deptford Campus of Lewisham College. Nearest station Deptford Bridge DLR. All meetings will start at 7pm and finish at 8:45pm.. Dates as follows:

Tuesday 14th January 2014
Tuesday 11th March 2014
Tuesday 13th May 2014
Tuesday 24th June 2014
Tuesday 23rd September 2014
Tuesday 11th November 2014

Meetings are open to all trade union representatives who live, work or meet in Lewisham borough

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Equinox Dispute update

Unite reps had talks with Equinox CEO, one of the offers were to give members two "one off" payments in Dec 2013/2014 paltry amount of £500-250, this was put to ballot 83% voted to reject. Members who are subject to lose up £9,000 felt the offer was not good enough. Reps have requested to see the accounts again. If no resolution is found members will be asked to ballot for strike action again. 
Lewisham Trades Council members have visited picket lines and have made a donation to the strike hardship fund 

Monday, 30 September 2013

September Trades Council Report

The September Trades Council discussed a range of campaigns and issues involving union members in the borough. Arrangements for the coach travelling from Lewisham to the NHS demo outside the Tory Conference in Manchester to the  financed jointly by us, the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign and others were finalised.

Welfare Campaign

We then discussed ongoing work on this campaign. We focussed on how to turn promises to scrap the Bedroom Tax, end the injustice of zero hours contracts and  paying the London Living Wage a practical reality now rather than simply awaiting the outcome of the General Election in 2015.


Reports on national disputes involving FBU,  CWU, NUT, PCS, UNITE and UCU were given and ways we could support them were identified. Two local disputes need further mention: UNITE members at One Housing Group have made some progress after a series strikes. The union is consulting members on further action. The second dispute involves UCU and GMB at LESOCO where technicians are at risk of redundancy.  Rumours abound that management intend to replace technicians with apprenticeships. This is the college that has made millions selling property as result of its merger! The unions will do all the can to stop these redundancies


Progress  reports were heard about other campaigns such as the RMT Justice for Cleaners campaign and the PCS fight to stop the closure of Inland Revenue Enquiry Centres. Finally the Trades Council agreed  to affiliate to and support the great work of the South London Anti Fascist Group.

We continue our work to support trade union members and others in Lewisham and elsewhere campaigning for a fairer and better society - come and join us!    


Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Next Trades Council meeting

The September Trades Council will be held on Tuesday 24/09/13 from
7 to 8:30 pm.

The venue for meeting is the Deptford Campus of LESOCO (Lewisham) College. Nearest station - Deptford Bridge DLR.

Lewisham Trades Council is open to all trade unionists who live, meet or work in Lewisham borough.

We look forward to meeting you.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Summer Update

Avid readers will have noticed that there have not been any new posts on this blog recently. Lewisham Trades Council members are working on several campaigns and continue to lend support to both the FBU and Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign.

We are currently trying to sort out funding for coaches to travel to the TUCs SAVE OUR NHS demonstration in Manchester on Sunday 29/09/13 and have been planning further activities.

This includes establishing a campaign incorporating our policies on welfare, jobs, Living Wage, training, housing and trade union rights. We are currently in discussion with other parties about this and hope to launch the campaign in the Autumn

Please watch out for further posts  

Friday, 31 May 2013

Thanks for the solidarity - Lewisham stands united

Lewisham NUT would like  to thank the many trade unionists, community campaigners, residents and youth, from across all sections of our community, that have made clear that they were going to respond in such large numbers to the call for a Unity Rally against the BNP outside the Lewisham Islamic Centre (LIC) on Saturday.

We are in no doubt that the size of the likely turnout in Lewisham, as well as neighbouring Woolwich, helped to persuade the Metropolitan Police to impose conditions under the Public Order Act instructing the BNP to move their march and rally to Whitehall.

In these circumstances, and although the NUT and the LIC had discussed the possibility of continuing with the rally to celebrate the unity shown, once again, by the people of Lewisham against those who would try to divide us, the Islamic Centre has decided that “after careful consideration, we have decided that the most responsible course of action to now take is to cancel the rally” on Saturday.

The NUT obviously respects this decision to cancel the rally and is asking that you pass on this information, and our thanks, to others who may have intended to gather in Lewisham on Saturday to show your opposition to the BNP’s provocations and to stand in solidarity to the Islamic Centre.

As the Lewisham Islamic Centre has stated: It gives us great satisfaction  to  hear that one of the most significant reasons that the  BNP cancelled their march was  because of the community concerns expressed by the communities of both Boroughs  … we believe that the coming together of so many different faiths, different races  and so many different sections of society to  unite with one voice declaring “you pick on one of us, then you pick on all of us” …  is indeed the real manifest victory.  The achievement is therefore two fold – firstly, the BNP march through our great Borough has been cancelled and secondly, the  action of the  BNP has reaffirmed the unity of the community within our Borough ,which has always been strong”

Lewisham NUT understands that there is likely to be a counter-protest against the BNP/EDL march in Central London that those that were intending to rally in Lewisham may wish to attend. However, Lewisham NUT and other Lewisham trade unionists will also be monitoring events locally tomorrow in case of any attempts to threaten the Islamic Centre in spite of the police ban.

We hope that all those that have come together to oppose the BNP’s attempts to build support after the horrific murder of Lee Rigby will maintain the links that we have built, strengthen our community ties, and work together to campaign for schools, homes and jobs for all, not racism.

Martin Powell-Davies, Secretary, Lewisham NUT                         Friday 31 May 2013

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Lewisham unites against the BNP on Saturday

It was always inevitable that the BNP would try to build support on the back of the Woolwich killing. However, rather than demonstrating in Woolwich on Saturday as it was first thought (and a UAF anti-racist festival/demo will be going ahead at 12 noon in General Gordon Square, Woolwich), the BNP have now announced that they now plan to march (or take cars) away from Woolwich and converge on the Lewisham Islamic Centre (which is close to Lewisham Hospital) instead.

In these circumstances, Lewisham trade unionists clearly have a responsibility to organise a protest to make clear to the BNP that their racist lies will not be allowed to divide our community - and also to offer solidarity to the Islamic Centre.  The Islamic Centre has also called on support from a range of organisations for coordinating a peaceful rally against the BNP on the day of the march.

Final details have now been confirmed for a unity rally outside the mosque:
2 pm outside Lewisham Islamic Centre
365 Lewisham High St, by the Shell Garage near the Hospital

A Lewisham NUT leaflet can be downloaded from:

The text from the leaflet is written below:
Don’t let the racists divide us!

The horrific murder of a young soldier in Woolwich has rightly been met with overwhelming condemnation. However, now the British National Party (BNP) are trying to use the understandable outrage at this attack to gain support. On Saturday afternoon, they are planning to march on the Islamic Centre in Lewisham. Lewisham has a proud record of standing united against all those who would divide our community. Join the protest to show the BNP that the trade unions, residents and young people of Lewisham are standing united against this provocative march.

Lewisham National Union of Teachers (NUT) utterly condemns the killing of the soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich. This was an appalling tragedy for the victim, his family and friends. Local residents showed great bravery in intervening to try and assist him.
However, the racist attacks in the days that followed must also be condemned. Amongst other attacks, three petrol bombs were thrown at a mosque in Grimsby and a fried chicken shop was smashed up in east London. These actions, just like the killing in Woolwich, are carried out by a tiny number of people who are totally unrepresentative of most people.

Racist organisations like the BNP and their ilk are trying to feed off the desperate conditions of poverty and hopelessness that exist in parts of Breadline Britain. When food banks can't keep up with demand, when there’s a shortage of decent homes and school places for our youngsters, then the BNP’s racist lies can seem to provide easy answers. But BNP hatred provides no way forward. 
In fact their divisive racism can only set back the struggle against poverty. Racism weakens the force in society that has the potential to defeat government cuts - the power that comes from a united struggle of working people, of all backgrounds. That’s why the NUT, along with other trade unions, organises to oppose the BNP but also to build united  action to oppose privatisation and cuts to schools, hospitals and other public services.
Lewisham has a proud tradition of standing up to fascism and racism. We need to show that unity again this Saturday. As the Lewisham Islamic Centre has rightly said, “the purpose of the march to conclude in our Borough and outside our Centre is to create discord, division and disunity”.

We must not let the BNP succeed in building support out of this tragedy. Let’s stand together and show the BNP that we will not let racism - or terrorism - divide our community. 

Friday, 17 May 2013

OPEN Trades Council: Welfare Campaign

Lewisham Trades Council are fully committed to campaigning against cuts to benefits and to defending the Welfare State. We will be organising a public meeting at a later date but would like to discuss plans for the campaign with neighbouring trades councils and anyone who would like to work with us

We have therefore decided to open up our next meeting to all who wish to attend and support our campaign. Details as follows:

Day and Date: Tuesday 02/07/13

Time: 7pm to 8:45pm

Venue: Deptford Campus, Lewisham College, Deptford Broadway

Nearest Station: Deptford Bridge DLR

For furthe information contact:   


May Trades Council Report

Lewisham Trades Council met on Tuesday 14/05/13. The following reports were received and decisions taken:

Venezuala Solidarity Campaign -  

After hearing a from a guest speaker, the trades council agreed to affiliate to the campaign.

FBU campaign

A donation to the FBU was agreed and we urge all trade unionists to attend the public consultation meeting on Wednesday 22nd May and voice their opposition to the proposed closures.

Welfare Campaign 

In advance of a public meeting later this year we agreed that the next trade council on Tuesday 02/07/13 would be open to all local activists and groups to discuss practical plans to build the campaign. We agreed to invite several organisations including neighbouring trades councils.

Banner Theatre show 8/06/13 

We agreed to co-sponsor this event arranged by Greenwich & Bexley Trades and Bromley Trades Councils

Delegates reports as follows:

TSSA continuing to campaign against job cuts at stations, which jeopordise passenger safety in the evenings.

UCU reported campaigns against redundancies in Tower Hamlets and Lewisham colleges.

CWU telecommunications are recruiting several workers from the sub contractors installing Virgin Media. The first formal request for union recognition has already been made.

NUT - Campaign against attacks on pay and conditions will see a strike in the North West on 27/06/13. Other Regions including London will be striking in the Autumn term.

PCS - set to strike again as part of pay and conditions dispute on Wednesday 05/06/13  

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Lewisham teachers urge governors to reject Gove's performance-pay plans

The following joint letter is being sent to all Lewisham Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and Councillors from the secretaries of Lewisham ATL, NASUWT and NUT.

PAY POLICY: Don’t apply Gove’s damaging proposals in Lewisham schools

Michael Gove has asked that all schools review their pay policies to make sure that they are consistent with the revised statutory provisions due to take effect from 1 September 2013. However, his request is not being made in the interests of young people and schools. Instead, like so much of his education policy, Mr.Gove’s proposals are thoroughly flawed. They will divide and demoralise staff, setting back education.

while the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document will have changed, schools do not have to decide to adopt significant changes to ensure that existing pay structures comply with the revisions. Our national unions have compiled the enclosed checklists, which, however much Mr.Gove might object, are entirely consistent with the new provisions. By following these checklists, schools can maintain a clear and transparent pay policy that will help to recruit, retain and motivate teachers.

Reports from schools across Lewisham indicate that teachers are strongly opposed to Michael Gove’s damaging proposals. Like us, your staff will be seeking assurances that Governing Bodies will be adopting pay policies that are in line with the ATL and NASUWT/NUT checklists. We strongly believe that it is in the best interests of schools and education to follow our recommendations, so as to avoid:

  • Schools finding it difficult to recruit teaching staff, particularly in Inner London.
Teaching Unions believe that teachers on the Main Pay Range should continue to be awarded pay progression following a successful performance review. If new teachers fear that they risk financial insecurity by joining a school that might not be awarding pay progression, they will go elsewhere. Teachers will be particularly wary of moving to London schools where the pressures on our pupils and their communities can mean that it is a greater challenge to meet externally imposed targets. We also believe that schools should continue to honour teachers’ previous salaries on the main and upper pay scales. Without this guarantee, experienced teachers will be unwilling to move from their existing post, or to apply to take up a new post.
  • Schools having to deal with increasing numbers of grievances and pay appeals.
Teaching Unions believe that schools should adopt a common six-point Main Pay Range and three-point Upper Pay Range, and consistently award pay progression, as proposed in our checklists. Any other approach is bound to lead to significant division and ill-feeling. Governors will inevitably face a rising workload in handling complaints, grievances and claims for potential discrimination.
  • Teaching and Learning being damaged through staff division and demoralisation.
Staff who feel valued and supported will make a far greater contribution to school improvement. Schools work best where there is collaboration and trust between teachers. Performance-pay will divide staff and damage teaching and learning. OECD research based on international PISA studies shows that there is no evidence that Gove’s plans will improve education.

If you wish to discuss these points further or be sent full copies of recommended policies, please contact :
Kim Knappett, Lewisham ATL 

Kathy Duggan, Lewisham NASUWT
Martin Powell-Davies, Lewisham NUT

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Rally outside the Fire Consultation Meeting on Wednesday 22 May

The following letter has been sent to Lewisham NUT reps and all NUT members at Sydenham School - where the Fire Authority  consultation meeting is taking place at 7pm on Wednesday - with a rally also taking place outside the school from 6pm.

The London Fire Authority are holding a meeting at Sydenham School on Wednesday evening.
Sydenham School is an ‘interesting’ choice of venue when the homes and  communities most directly affected by the fire station closure plans are in Downham and New Cross ! However, the fire-fighters’ union, the FBU, are trying to make sure that such skulduggery does not prevent local residents attending the meeting to make their overwhelming opposition to fire station closures known to the Fire Authority.
Of course, for teachers, these closures are a serious issue as we all know how important it is to have sufficient fire cover in the event of a school emergency. Just as we have argued over the A&E closure, times quoted for ‘average travel time’ for fire engines to reach Downham and New Cross from other fire stations take no account of the time it can take a fire appliance to reach a home or school during peak traffic periods in London. In short, these cuts WILL cost lives – unless they are prevented.
I know how busy we all are now with SATs, exam preparation and coursework but, as the Fire Authority have chosen to hold the meeting in the school with the biggest NUT membership in the borough, I hope that some of us can attend the protest outside Sydenham School at 6pm and stay, if possible, for the consultation meeting which starts  at 7 pm.
Lewisham NUT’s banner will be there and if Sydenham School’s banners can be there too, plus reps from other schools, it would be appreciated.
Let’s show some solidarity against cuts and closures and support our FBU colleagues on Wednesday,
Martin Powell-Davies, Secretary, Lewisham NUT.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

South East London Rally for The People's Assembly 16/05/13

This will be held at 6pm in Room 137 of Goldsmiths College, New Cross.

Speakers include Aaron Kiely, NUS, Rachel Maskell, UNITE, Romayne Phoenix, Coalition of Resistance and a speaker from Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign  

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Next Trades Council meeting Tuesday 14/05/13 7pm

The next trades council meeting will start at 7pm on Tuesday 14/05/13 at Deptford Campus of Lewisham College.

As well as hearing reports from delegates, we will be discussing how we can help with the next steps for the FBU campaign against fire station closures and plan for our next public meeting on Welfare.

If you are in a trade union and live, work or meet in Lewisham borough please join us. The remaining meetings for the year are as follows:

Tuesday 02/07/13 (this may be the date of the public meeting)
Tuesday 10/09/13
Tuesday 12/11/13

Support the Equinox Workers

The following bulletin has been produced by UNITE about yet another attack on services and workers being fought by union members.

What does ‘Fair’ and ‘Open’ mean to you?         

Equinox is an organization which seeks to offer specialist care to vulnerable men and women with alcohol, drug and mental health problems in various residential and community based services.

Equinox staff are currently threatened with salary cuts of between 10 and 25% This affects 80% of the workforce..Of those staff facing reductions almost half are due to lose the higher percentage. In real terms this means many staff are being expected to accept cuts of £5,000 to £6,000 and in some cases even more.

For many this is an impossible ask. It risks throwing people into debt, if not poverty. Staff speak about their inability to pay mortgages, pay for school uniforms or school trips, afford transport to work, or access dental treatment or eye care for themselves and their families. Union reps are contacted on a daily basis by members who are shocked by these proposals and terrified of the future should they be introduced. Many people have said to us that they have been put into a situation where the only choice they have is to fight these unfair cuts. Many fear that they may be forced ultimately to resign rather than remain in a post which no longer pays the bills. This is obviously a terrifying prospect for all in these harsh times.
Equinox’s answer to this seems to be that they are prepared to lose many of their most experienced and competent staff.

In a recent communication with the union they asserted that they believed some staff to be over qualified for their roles with experience and skills which exceed Equinox requirements. They go on to say,  ‘ Consequently we have to accept that some of our more qualified staff may look elsewhere.’
It would be interesting to know which services they believe require less qualified, less experienced, less skilled staff.

Do the commissioners know that they have been receiving a quality of service over and above that for which they have contracted?
Have Equinox gone so far as to inform them of this and explain that in future they may only be able to offer reduced quality of care?

This justification for slashing salaries is obviously disingenuous. It is also insulting to staff and to a body of work carried out over the years by Equinox and would appear to put the reputation and future of Equinox in serious jeopardy.

An ugly consequence of the proposals as they currently stand is that a major gap in pay has been created between managers and frontline project workers. This did not exist in the past and for good reasons.
If these proposals go ahead Equinox will be creating a £7,500 pay differential between an Assistant Service Manager new in post and an experienced, highly functioning Project worker or Substance Misuse Worker. At present the salary difference is usually a fifth of that, reflecting the value placed on competent staff who spend the majority of their time working with the clients and helping them move on in their recovery.

Try collating outcome monitoring indicators or covering shifts , without competent, professional, innovative, valued, happy staff putting the work in with the people we have chosen to help.

It is significant that the word ‘hierarchy’ is used on at least two occasions in the formal consultation paper to justify these proposals. This strays from a recognizable Equinox ethos. As a business model it is short sighted, regressive and doomed to failure.

It has already had a catastrophic effect on current staff morale which management have acknowledged.

Senior management should as a priority seek to negotiate with the union. Management should work with the union to campaign for proper funding from commissioners
Resources need to be directed into increased training for frontline workers and management so service users and commissioners can be offered quality services.[ Indeed Equinox already offers some quality services at prices recognized by commissioners as reasonable.]

The attempt to compete with some of the more ruthless low cost service providers, however tempting in these difficult times, needs to be seen as a step which Equinox can not afford to take.


Monday, 15 April 2013

FBU take campaign to the streets

Trades Council union reps joined FBU colleagues on Saturday to help with their campaign to save Downham and New Cross Fire Stations. The FBU toured the local area in their customised Fire Engine to enlist support of residents, using a PA, which played every fire related song you can think of!

The next stage of the campaign is the public meeting at on Monday 22/04/13 at 6:30pm at Downham Leisure Centre, Moorside Road, Bromley BR1 5EP 

Please attend and help plan the next stage of the campaign. And don't forget to log on, complete the consultation and tell Boris Johnson what we want: no fire station closures, no fire engines withdrawn and no job losses.   

Thank you Millwall FC

Thank you Millwall FC

On Saturday at Wembley on national television, Millwall FC showed that they are fully behind the campaign to Save Lewisham Hospital.

Their players warmed up for the FA Semi Cup Final, wearing t shirts emblazoned with the message "Save Lewisham Hospital A&E".

They also acknowledged the campaign banner, held up whenever any cameras came near. Well done Millwall and congratulations on a great cup run.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Benefit Sanctions row escalates

On Friday the Guardian newspaper (which has produced a series of articles about Welfare) published the article below. This details a leaked email confirming the existence of league tables ranking jobcentres activity in referring claimants for benefit to be sanctioned.
Ian Duncan-Smith quickly denied that targets are set for such referrals and his opposite number, Liam Byrne is demanding a parliamentary enquiry. PCS welcomes an enquiry. The union consistently challenges management about the so called Stricter Benefit Regime at every level. Jobcentreplus always deny that there are any targets or league tables for this work.
It is time for the truth.

Jobcentre workers join PCS Budget Day Strike

PCS members at Lewisham and Forest Hill jobcentres were out on strike on Wednesday and will walk out again at 1pm on Friday 05/04/13 in a dispute about pay, conditions and pensions. All workers and benefit claimants are being attacked by the goverment, we have to pay more and get less. PCS members will continue to fight against this. 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Stop the Fire Station closures

Around 80 people attended a public meeting on Thursday 14/03/13 to discuss ways to work with the FBU to stop the propose closure  of 12 fire stations across London including New Cross and Downham stations.

A public consultation on the proposals runs to the end of May 2013. Everyone should respond to the consultation via and make sure they state that no fire stations should be closed, no appliances should be decommisioned and definately no job should be cut.

He Slashes, You Burn

Boris Johnson declined our invitation to address the meeting as he was too busy cutting public services. The meeting agreed to ensure people are leafleted and encouraged to attend the consultation meetings being arranged by the London Fire Authority to discuss plans with the public.

Campaign continues

Since Thursday, we have leafleted those attending the Born in Lewisham Hospital Event on Staurday 16/03/13. We are planning further activities including a demonstrtion against the closures. The FBU have arranged  a meeting for Downham Fire Station on Monday 22/04/13. More details to follow.

Please support the campaign and continue to help us fight all cuts


Monday, 25 February 2013

Save Lewisham Fire Stations: public meeting 14/03/13

Lewisham Trades Council have organised a public meeting to help the Fire Brigade Union (FBU) campaign against proposed closures of New Cross and Downham Fire stations. Details as follows:

Thursday 14th March 7:30pm (refreshments from 7pm)

Barnes Wallis Centre, 74 Wild Goose Drive SE14 5LL
(off Queens Road, rear of New Cross Fire Station)

Speakers: Simon Chapman (FBU) Len Duvall (GLA) Paul Bell (local councillor) Tony Reay (Lewisham Trades Council)

Please come along and find out what you can do to help.

Trades Council delegates should note that the trades council meeting on 14/03/13 has been cancelled in favour of this meeting

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Thank you to Millwall and Charlton FCs

Both our local football clubs have lent their support to the campaign to save Lewisham Hospital's A&E. Trade unionists joined campaigners to leaflet matches over the past two Saturdays. Millwall players (and their Mascot) wore t-shirts supporting the campaign during their warm up. They also urged supporters to join the demonstration next Saturday and have moved the cup tie with Aston Villa to Friday night, so they can join the march on Saturday.

Latest news from Trades Council

Lewisham Trades Council met on 15/01/13. It agreed to donate £400 to the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign, arrange public meeting with the FBU to fight the proposed closure of New Cross Fire Station and another to discuss a campaign on Welfare.
Delegates also gave reports about campaigns in various union branches in the borough:   

RMT have two current campaigns. The first concerns station security. Management are considering reducing staff numbers approaching nightly closure. This increases the security risk to both customers and staff. The union will rightly oppose any such proposals.

RMT are also recruiting cleaners in order to help them gain decent working conditions and pay. A lot of cleaners are unaware that employers have a legal obligation to pay the minimum wage for example.
UCU are dealing with a raft of issues arising from the merger of Southwark and Lewisham colleges. The union aims to resist redundancies, protect conditions and maintain services.

The newly formed Lewisham NUJ branch has 600 members in the borough. Their industry like most is affected by austerity. The union is campaigning for all journalist interns to be paid and not exploited.

CWU has a major campaign on its hands thanks to the disgraceful antics of Virgin Media who have derecognised the union. A number of different companies provide installation services for Virgin. Many of these communication workers belong to the union and want it to remain.

UNISON at Goldsmith's college await yet another restructure plan, which they fear could involve privatisation of some services. The union has resolved to fight any such proposals.
PCS and NUT are gearing up for industrial action over pay and conditions in March, but a strike in jobcentres planned for January has been called off because DWP have backed  away from compulsory redundancies. At least 12 months work has been guaranteed for 43 workers threatened with the sack in six months time.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

March again to save Lewisham Hospital on January 26

Another march has been called to Save Lewisham Hospital - and NHS Services across South London -  on Saturday 26th January. 

Trades Council members helped leaflet outside Charlton FC today
10,000 people marched through Lewisham on 24th November last year, now the campaign needs an even bigger turnout on 26th January. Members of Lewisham Trades Council are supporting the campaign and also encouraging healthworker trade unions to mobilise to defend their jobs and our services.

The demo will again assemble at Lewisham Roundabout (on the 'grassy knoll') at 12 noon. We will march past our hospital to Mountsfield Park where there will be a rally, music and a giant petition. Make surte your trade union is there with its banner!

You can see further information and download the leaflet from